October 2001 RIM ExCom Minutes

Executive Committee Meeting October 26, 2001 at Eileen Darlings Restaurant
Present: Mona Blais, Lori Norris, Carol Pawlak, Jack Coughlin, Ron Norris, Tom Gannon.
o Nominating Committee­LocSec Mona Blais recommended Arlene Ten Eyck as Chairperson with Marilyn Baker and Peter Ten Eyck as members. Following a motion made by Carol Pawlak and seconded by Tom Gannon, the motion was passed.
o Minutes of the 8/31/01 meeting were passed out to attendees, discussed and amended. Following a motion made by Carol Pawlak and seconded by Lori Norris, the minutes were accepted as amended.
o Treasurer Jack Coughlin reported that RIM is still solvent and has $1,553.
o Discussion regarding M'Ocean printing expenses was re-opened, regarding different printers, formats, etc. Editor Tom Gannon presented a prototype of M'Ocean in an 8-1/2 x 11 format, but said that it required smaller print type sizes and also allowed less room for articles. After some discussion about combining several issues per year to save money, Carol Pawlak moved that we keep the 12-issue schedule, which was seconded by Marilyn Baker and passed.
o Membership Officer Carol Pawlak reported that RIM currently has 198 members.

New Business
o Proctor Coordinator Lori Norris resigned this position. However, she stated that she will remain available to train proctors.
o Webmaster Margie Zeller reported that the new page is up and working and connected to the National website.
oUnder New Business, fundraising for RIM was discussed and an events subcommittee was established, to be chaired by Mona Blais.
o Adopt-a-highway program­-Lori Norris moved and it was seconded by Ron Norris that RIM abandon this program that was established some years ago and pretty much abandoned by the membership. The motion was approved.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 pm.