July Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Rhode Island Mensa Executive Committee Meeting, July 26, 2002 at Eileen Darlings Restaurant

Att: Mona Blais, Denise Cannon, Tom Gannon, Joan Markert, Tom Padwa, Carol Pawlak, Peter Ten Eyck, Margie Zeller. The meeting was called to order at 8:30.


* Treasurer Joan reported that our current balance is $1408.66.

* Editor Tom G. reported that the August issue of M’Ocean had 124 extra copies for the National mailing. (We will be reimbursed 65 cents a copy in October.)

* Publisher Peter had no report.

* Membership Officer Carol reported we now have 207 members. (Seven joined, one left and several lapsed.)

* Testing Coordinator Peter reported that there was one person tested on June 15. (Four had signed up, two did not show, and one required a special test for non-English speaking candidates.) There was discussion as to whether or not we should require pre-payment for the tests. Peter will look into the details of implementing such a strategy. Mona will obtain a copy of the "Culture-fair" test for the non-English speaking candidate. Margie will make the link more obvious for potential members to contact Peter from the web site. National Testing Day is Saturday, Oct. 19.

* Sunshine Chair Arlene was not present, so there was no report.

* Programming Coordinator Denise reported a successful June event for Young Adults (Habitat for Humanity), and a not-so-successful July event (Gallery Night). The special events for Young Adults will resume in September. There was some discussion concerning a new member’s negative response to Denise’s welcoming letter – they considered it spam. We decided that it is NOT spam and she should continue sending it.

* Gifted Children Coordinator Laure was not present, so there was no report.

* Webmaster Margie Zeller requested photos of Mensa activities for the web site. Mona mentioned that she is referring potential candidates to the web site for information.

Old Business

* Editor’s Budget: Joan made a motion, seconded by Carol, that we reapprove the budget for the Editor at $160/month (includes postage). This motion passed.

* Logo Contest: Webmaster Margie passed out sample logos and headers used by some of the Mensa web sites. She would like to have a contest to encourage our members to submit a design for our own logo. She will write up a contest description and submit it to the board for approval before adding it to the web site. Margie moved and Carol seconded that we offer a prize of a $25 gift certificate to Barnes & Noble. The motion passed.

New Business

* Mona opened discussion of the process for voting on motions made via phone or email. It was determined that this is already covered in our bylaws.

* Joan moved that we advance printing costs, to the Editor of the M’Ocean, on a monthly basis through the end of the fiscal year 2003. Peter seconded the motion. After discussion, it was approved. Joan and Tom will work out the details. This decision is an ASIE (Action Still In Effect).

* Nominating Committee: The nominating committee is due at our next board meeting. Mona will choose the Chair of the committee. The rest of the board will choose the two other members of the committee. (Committee members may not be current voting members of the board, or potential officers for the next board.)

* List of Resolutions: We discussed the meaning of ASIE (Action Still in Effect) and what we should do with them. These are resolutions that extend the By-Laws. It was decided that we only have the one mentioned earlier in these minutes, and it will be published along with the current local By-Laws.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 (moved by Margie, seconded by Denise).

Respectfully Submitted,

Margie Zeller, Executive Officer