Notes from under the green-shaded visor


Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! to the many RIM members who have sent materials for use in M'Ocean. It's almost an embarrassment of riches! As the contributors know, I've had to ask several to postpone publication by a month or two! You guys (and gals) make the work much easier-and more fun!

Electronic publication of M'Ocean is on hold at the moment, in favor of using USPS's NetPost service. NetPost will cut our publication cost, and you'll still see a printed copy in your mail each month.

Renew your membership by 31 March in order to vote in national and international elections! If your membership expires in 2003, you should already have received your renewal material. In fact, it arrived in January, so if you haven't responded to it yet, start digging in that pile of stuff with "LATER" written all over it.

While you're renewing your membership, double-check your permissions. Yep-your permissions-for release, or non-release, of your personal information for local group use. Why?!? Because we're planning to publish a membership directory! We want it to be as complete as possible, to include as many of our members as will allow themselves to be listed. (To review your permissions online, go to the Mensa Website and click on "Member Resources.")